About Neil
Born in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England, Neil got his earliest experience of acting whilst attending junior school and from the essential visits of the touring theatre groups to the school.  Neil has worked in theatre, film and television but still credits that early insight at school as being his most pivotal in acting, and latterly, from his tutors, at The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.
Plays and roles include: HEDDA GABLER as Judge Brack,  ART as Serge,  I HATE HAMLET as Andrew Rally, THE TRADEGY OF HAMLET PRINCE OF DENMARK as Hamlet,  HENRY IV PART I as Falstaff,  HENRY V as Henry V,  AS YOU LIKE IT as Duke Frederick,  THE RIVER as The Man,  A DOLL'S HOUSE as Nils Krogstad,  THE SEAGULL as Yevgeny Sergeyevich Dorn,  OLD TIMES as Deeley,  AFTER THE END as Mark,  OTHELLO as Othello,  AS YOU LIKE IT as Silvius,  AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY as Charlie,  THE LION IN WINTER as Henry Il,  EDMOND as Edmond,  THE LIVING ROOM as Sam.
Neil established the production company Brimar Entertainment in 2010 which concentrates on new and exciting projects for film, theatre, animation, sound and publishing, along with documentary for TV and film. 
In 2020 Neil founded Shakespeare at Home to provide free online resources on William Shakespeare and the renaissance world.  All activities are dyslexia friendly and are suitable for all ages. 

Private Office
London: +44 20 7193 7053
Beverley Hills: +1 (310) 299-2857
email: office@neilalanbell.com​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Neil Alan Bell, Esq.
Brimar Entertainment Limited
86-90 Paul Street, London EC2A 4NE​​​​​​​

Guild House, Upper St Martin's Lane, London WC2H 9EG
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7379 6000​​​​​​
email: info@equity.org.uk
Thank you!
Stay in Touch
Shakespeare at Home

Dear Patron,
Welcome and thank you for stopping by.
I created Shakespeare at Home for all ages to participate with William Shakespeare's work and the Renaissance world in a fun and interesting way at home, for during, but - beyond the pandemic.  These modest and challenging free activities are designed for both left and right handed users, fonts are selected to be dyslexia friendly and are also print friendly to save on ink at home.  Your sound and movement activities are designed for everyone, I know personally how mobility issues can try and restrict us, and regardless of your age or the level of your mobility, whatever you can do is enough, I urge you - have a go.
New activities are frequently added including word searches, maths problems, craft and colouring activities, movement exercises and sound.  There is something for everyone to share together dig into and mine.
Shakespeare at Home is free for you to use.  No personal information is required to download your free activities, no subscription is needed and there is no sign up or registration. 
Whether you have an existing relationship with Shakespeare or you are new to his works or just like puzzles, welcome, I hope - you enjoy them.
I want to know how you get on and I would love to receive your emails using the contact form on this website or you can write me a letter, posting it to the mailing address listed above.  I reply to every correspondence received, I do - look forward to hearing from you.  On social media, we are now officially on Instagram, you can find us @ShakespeareAtHome - this is our only social media platform. You must ask permission of the account holder to use social media where age restrictions apply.
Engaging with Shakespeare’s language and world, I hope, will provoke a curiosity within you - as it did when I was a child. Shakespeare, is - all of us. As one of my teachers once told me while studying at The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, ‘When you take one step toward Shakespeare he takes two steps towards, you.’  How true.
Click Shakespeare's quill below to enter the Renaissance world, have fun and fare thee well! 
- Warmest, 

Please consider supporting these charities and organisations in anyway you can either by donation, checking for volunteer programs or sharing their resources with someone who might need assistance.  
On Wellbeing

If you or someone you know is in imminent danger to life call your local emergency responders or walk into to your local hospital emergency department. 

National Health Services: 
National Health Service (UK): www.nhs.uk

For Children & Young People: 
Children's Mental Health America: https://www.cdc.gov/childrensmentalhealth/index.html
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families: https://www.annafreud.org
Kids Helpline (Australia) 1800 55 1800: https://kidshelpline.com.au

Women’s Rights And Support:
Centre for Women’s Justice: https://www.centreforwomensjustice.org.uk
Fundación Ana Bella: https://www.fundacionanabella.org/
性暴力 性暴力救援センター: https://sarc-tokyo.org

Emotional Support And Advice:
Befrienders Worldwide: https://www.befrienders.org
Life Line Australia: https://www.lifeline.org.au
Crisis Text Line (US, Canada, UK & Ireland) https://www.crisistextline.org
Samaritans:  www.samaritans.org
The TV and Film Charity www.filmtvcharity.org.uk
Black Thrive: www.blackthrive.org
ArtsMind - supports performers and creatives in need:  www.artsminds.co.uk

Anxiety, Stress, Depression And Self-Harm:
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder:  www.ptsduk.org
Eating Imbalances:  www.b-eat.co.uk
Depression UK: www.depressionuk.org
Telephone AMICO Italia ODV: https://www.telefonoamico.it/
Asociación Internacional del Teléfono de la Esperanza: https://telefonodelaesperanza.org/
自殺や自傷行為 LifeLink: https://www.lifelink.or.jp/inochisos/
Self Enhancement for Life Foundation: https://selfoundation.com/
In Touch Community Services: https://in-touch.org/

Mental Health:
Royal Foundation: https://royalfoundation.com/
Mental Health Crisis Assessment and Treatment (Australia): https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/crisis-management
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636:https://www.beyondblue.org.au
Mental Health Foundation: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/
MentalHealth.gov (USA): https://www.mentalhealth.gov
Rethink Mental Health: https://www.rethink.org
Royal College for Psychiatrists: https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mental-health

Finding a therapist:
British Association of Behavioural Cognitive Psychotherapies:  www.babcp.com
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Register UK:  www.cbtregisteruk.com
The British Association of Arts Therapies:  www.baat.org/About-BAAT/Find-an-Art-Therapist

Bullying, Harassment or Abuse:
Equity’s Bullying & Harassment Helpline:  020 7670 0268harassment@equity.org.uk
National Bullying Helpline: https://www.nationalbullyinghelpline.co.uk
Safe Line:  www.safeline.org.uk
Victim Support:  www.victimsupport.org.uk
Rape Crisis:  www.rapecrisis.org.uk
Male Rape & Sexual Abuse: www.survivorsuk.org.uk

Courses for Life:
Bystander Intervention: https://www.ihollaback.org
Anti-racist Theatre: www.nicolembrewer.com

Young People on Set:
The Children's Production Support Hub  https://www.thecpsh.com/

Industry Organisations:
Mark Milsome Foundation: https://www.markmilsomefoundation.com​​​​​​​